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tethys is AST free json library for Scala

It’s advantages:

  1. Performant
  2. User friendly
    • Build reader/writer by hand for product and sum types
    • Configurable recursive semiauto derivation
    • Discriminator support for sum types derivation

Read more about library usage bellow:

Scala 3

Quick start

val tethysVersion = "latest version in badge"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-core" % tethysVersion,
  "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-jackson" % tethysVersion

Read/Write JSON API

tethys provides extension methods allowing you to read and write JSON

They look something like this: ```scala 3 package tethys

extension A def asJson(using jw: JsonWriter[A], twp: TokenWriterProducer ): String = ???

extension (value: String) def readJsonA: Either[ReaderError, A] = ???

Tethys provides **TokenWriterProducer** and **TokenIteratorProducer** automatically,
so in most cases you only need to provide **JsonReader** or **JsonWriter**.
Let's see how can we get one.

## Basic instances
tethys provides **JsonReader** and **JsonWriter** instances for a bunch of basic types

Check links below to see exact ones:

[JsonReader instances](/tethys/modules/core/src/main/scala/tethys/readers/instances/AllJsonReaders.scala)

[JsonWriters instances](/tethys/modules/core/src/main/scala/tethys/writers/instances/AllJsonWriters.scala)

## Build instances by hand

### map and contramap

You can create new instances for your types using:
1. **contramap** on already existing writer
2. **map** on already existing reader

```scala 3
import tethys.*

case class StringWrapper(value: String) extends AnyVal

given JsonWriter[StringWrapper] =
given JsonReader[StringWrapper] =


To build JsonWriter for case class you can use obj method on its companion object.

```scala 3 import tethys.*

case class MobileSession( id: Long, deviceId: String, userId: java.lang.UUID ) extends Session

object MobileSession: given JsonObjectWriter[MobileSession] = JsonWriter.obj[MobileSession] .addField(“id”)(.id) .addField(“deviceId”)(.deviceId) .addField(“userId”)(_.userId)

You can concat multiple **JsonObjectWriter**.  
Combining concatenation with derivation allows to create **JsonWriter** for sealed trait.
To derive JsonWriter for sealed trait you need to have **JsonObjectWriter** instances for all subtypes in scope

```scala 3

given JsonWriter[Session] =
   JsonWriter.obj[Session].addField("typ")(_.typ) ++ JsonObjectWriter.derived[Session]


To build JsonReader for case class you can use builder method on its companion object.

```scala 3 import tethys.*

case class MobileSession( id: Long, deviceId: String, userId: java.lang.UUID ) extends Session(“mobile”)

object Mobile: given JsonReader[MobileSession] = JsonReader.builder .addFieldLong .addFieldString .addFieldjava.lang.UUID .buildReader(MobileSession(_, _, _))

To build JsonReader for sealed trait you can use `selectReader` after adding some field:

```scala 3
import tethys.*
  object Session:
    given webReader: JsonReader[WebSession] = ???
    given mobileReader: JsonReader[MobileSession] = ???
    given JsonReader[Session] = JsonReader.builder
      .selectReader {
         case "web" => webReader
         case "mobile" => mobileReader


All examples consider you made this imports: ```scala 3 import tethys.* import tethys.jackson.* // or tethys.jackson.pretty.* for pretty printing

### Basic enums
1. **StringEnumJsonWriter** and **StringEnumJsonReader**

```scala 3
enum SessionType derives StringEnumJsonWriter, StringEnumJsonReader:
  case Mobile, Web
case class Session(typ: SessionType) derives JsonReader, JsonObjectWriter

val session = Session(typ = SessionType.Mobile)
val json = """{"typ": "Mobile"}"""

json.jsonAs[Session] == Right(session)
session.asJson == json
  1. OrdinalEnumJsonWriter and OrdinalEnumJsonReader

```scala 3 enum SessionType derives OrdinalEnumJsonWriter, OrdinalEnumJsonReader: case Mobile, Web

case class Session(typ: SessionType) derives JsonReader, JsonObjectWriter

val session = Session(typ = SessionType.Web) val json = “””{“typ”: “1”}”””

json.jsonAs[Session] == Right(session) session.asJson == json

### Case classes

```scala 3
case class Session(
    id: Long, 
    userId: String
) derives JsonReader, JsonObjectWriter

val session = Session(id = 123, userId = "3-X56812")
val json = """{"id": 123, "userId": "3-X56812"}"""

json.jsonAs[Session] == Right(session)
session.asJson == json

Sealed traits and enums

To derive JsonReader you must provide a discriminator. This can be done via selector annotation.
Discriminator for JsonWriter is optional.

If you don’t need readers/writers for subtypes, you can omit them, they will be derived recursively for your trait/enum.

```scala 3 import tethys.selector

sealed trait UserAccount(@selector val typ: String) derives JsonReader, JsonObjectWriter

object UserAccount: case class Customer( id: Long, phone: String ) extends UserAccount(“Customer”)

case class Employee( id: Long, phone: String, position: String ) extends UserAccount(“Employee”)

val account: UserAccount = UserAccount.Customer(id = 123, phone = “+12394283293” val json = “””{“typ”: “Customer”, “id”: 123, “userId”: “+12394283293”}”””

json.jsonAs[UserAccount] == Right(account) account.asJson == json

## Configuration

1. You can configure only case class derivation
2. To configure **JsonReader** use **ReaderBuilder**
3. To configure **JsonWriter** use **WriterBuilder**
4. Configuration can be provided:
   * **directly to derived method**
   ```scala 3
      given JsonWriter[UserAccount.Customer] = 
        JsonObjectWriter.derived {

inline given WriterBuilder[Foo] = WriterBuilder[Foo] // choose field style .fieldStyle(FieldStyle.UpperSnakeCase) // remove field .remove(.b) // add new field .add(“d”)(.b.trim) // rename field .rename(.e)(“z”) // update field (also you can rename it using withRename after choosing field) .update(.a)(_ + 1) // update field from root (same as update, but function is from root element) .update(.d).fromRoot(foo => if (foo.d) foo.a else foo.a / 2) // possibility to semiauto derive any .update(.c) { case s: String => s case i: Int if i % 2 == 0 => i / 2 case i: Int => i + 1 case other => other.toString }

6. **ReaderBuilder** features
```scala 3

inline given ReaderBuilder[Foo] =
    // extract field from a value of a specific type
    // extract field as combination of model fields and some other fields from json
    .extract(_.a).from(_.b).and[Int]("otherField2")((b, other) => d.toInt + other)
    // provide reader for Any field
    .extractReader(_.c).from(_.a) {
       case 1 => JsonReader[String]
       case 2 => JsonReader[Int]
       case _ => JsonReader[Option[Boolean]]


In some cases, you may need to work with raw AST, so tethys can offer you circe and json4s AST support


see project page

libraryDependencies += "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-circe" % tethysVersion

```scala 3 import tethys.* import tethys.jackson.* import tethys.circe.*

import io.circe.Json

case class Foo(bar: Int, baz: Json) derives JsonReader

val json = “””{“bar”: 1, “baz”: [“some”, {“arbitrary”: “json”}]}””” val foo = json.jsonAs[Foo].fold(throw _, identity) // 1: Int foo.baz // [ “some”, { “arbitrary” : “json” } ]: io.circe.Json

#### Json4s
[see project page](
libraryDependencies += "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-json4s" % tethysVersion
import tethys.*
import tethys.jackson.*
import tethys.json4s.*

import org.json4s.JsonAST.*

case class Foo(bar: Int, baz: JValue) derives JsonReader

val json = """{"bar": 1, "baz": ["some", {"arbitrary": "json"}]"""
val foo = json.jsonAs[Foo].fold(throw _, identity) // 1
foo.baz // JArray(List(JString("some"), JObject("arbitrary" -> JString("json"))))


see project page

libraryDependencies += "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-enumeratum" % tethysVersion

enumeratum module provides a bunch of mixins for your Enum classes.

import enumeratum.{Enum, EnumEntry}
import tethys.enumeratum.*

sealed trait Direction extends EnumEntry
case object Direction extends Enum[Direction] 
  with TethysEnum[Direction] // provides JsonReader and JsonWriter instances 
  with TethysKeyEnum[Direction] { // provides KeyReader and KeyWriter instances
  case object Up extends    Direction
  case object Down extends  Direction
  case object Left extends  Direction
  case object Right extends Direction

  val values = findValues

Migration notes

When migrating to scala 3 you should use 0.29.0 version.

Scala 3 derivation API in 0.29.0 has a lot of deprecations and is not fully compatible in compile time with 0.28.4, including:

  1. WriterDescription and ReaderDescription are deprecated along with describe macro. Use WriterBuilder and ReaderBuilder directly instead

  2. DependentField model for ReaderBuilder has changed. Now extract field from feature works like this:

    • exactly one from call
    • chain of and calls (until compiler lets you)
    • both methods from/and has two forms
      • select some field from your model
      • provide type to method and name of field as string parameter

```scala 3 ReaderBuilder[SimpleType] .extract(.i).from(.d).andDouble((d, e) => (d + e).toInt)

3. **0.28.4 scala 3 enum support** was changed. [See more](

4. `updatePartial` for **WriterBuilder** is deprecated. Use ```update``` instead

5. all derivation api were moved directly into core module in **tethys** package, including
    * FieldStyle
    * WriterBuilder
    * ReaderBuilder

6. **auto** derivation is deprecated. Use derives on toplevel type instead

# Scala 2

## Quick start
Add dependencies to your `build.sbt`

val tethysVersion = "latest version in badge"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-core" % tethysVersion,
  "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-jackson213" % tethysVersion,
  "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys-derivation" % tethysVersion
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.tethys-json" %% "tethys" % "latest version in badge"


core module contains all type classes for parsing/writing JSON. JSON string parsing/writing and derivation are separated to tethys-jackson and tethys-derivation


JsonWriter writes json tokens to TokenWriter

import tethys._
import tethys.jackson._

List(1, 2, 3, 4).asJson

//or write directly to TokenWriter

val tokenWriter = YourWriter

tokenWriter.writeJson(List(1, 2, 3, 4))

New writers can be created with an object builder or with a combination of a few writers

import tethys._
import tethys.jackson._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

case class Foo(bar: Int)

def classWriter[A](implicit ct: ClassTag[A]): JsonObjectWriter[A] = {
    JsonWriter.obj[A].addField("clazz")(_ => ct.toString())

implicit val fooWriter: JsonObjectWriter[Foo] = {
  classWriter[Foo] ++ JsonWriter.obj[Foo].addField("bar")(


or just using another JsonWriter

import tethys._

case class Foo(bar: Int)



JsonReader converts a json token from TokenIterator to its value

import tethys._
import tethys.jackson._

"[1, 2, 3, 4]".jsonAs[List[Int]]

New readers can be created with a builder

import tethys._
import tethys.jackson._

case class Foo(bar: Int)

implicit val fooReader: JsonReader[Foo] = JsonReader.builder

Also you can select an existing reader that depends on other json fields

import tethys._
import tethys.jackson._

trait FooBar
case class Foo(foo: Int) extends FooBar
case class Bar(bar: String)  extends FooBar

val fooReader: JsonReader[Foo] = JsonReader.builder
val barReader: JsonReader[Bar] = JsonReader.builder
implicit val fooBarReader: JsonReader[FooBar] = JsonReader.builder
    .selectReader[FooBar] {
      case "Foo" => fooReader
      case _ => barReader 

Please check out tethys package object for all available syntax Ops classes


tethys-derivation provides semiauto and auto macro derivation JsonReader and JsonWriter instances.
In most cases you should prefer semiauto derivation because it’s more precise, faster in compilation and flexible.

import tethys._
import tethys.jackson._
import tethys.derivation.semiauto._

case class Foo(bar: Bar)
case class Bar(seq: Seq[Int])

implicit val barWriter: JsonObjectWriter[Bar] = jsonWriter[Bar] //semiauto
implicit val barReader: JsonReader[Bar] = jsonReader[Bar]

"""{"bar":{"seq":[1,2,3]}}""".jsonAs[Foo] //Foo reader auto derived

In complex cases you can provide some additional information to jsonWriter and jsonReader functions

import tethys._
import tethys.derivation.builder._
import tethys.derivation.semiauto._

case class Foo(a: Int, b: String, c: Any, d: Boolean, e: Double)

implicit val fooWriter = jsonWriter[Foo] {
  describe {
    //Any functions are allowed in lambdas
      .update(_.a)(_ + 1)
      // the only way to semiauto derive Any
      // this partial function will be replaced with match in the final writer
      .updatePartial(_.c) {  
        case s: String => s
        case i: Int if i % 2 == 0 => i / 2
        case i: Int => i + 1
        case other => other.toString 
      .update(_.d).fromRoot(foo => if(foo.d) foo.a else foo.a / 2) //same as update but function accepts root element
      .updatePartial(_.e).fromRoot { //same as updatePartial but function accepts root element
        case Foo(1, _, _, _, e) => e
        case Foo(2, _, _, _, e) => e % 2
        case foo => e.toString

implicit val fooReader = jsonReader[Foo] {
    //Any functions are allowed in lambdas
      .extractReader(_.c).from(_.a)('[String]) { // provide reader for Any field
        case (1, "str") => JsonReader[String]
        case (_, "int") => JsonReader[Int]
        case _ => JsonReader[Option[Boolean]]
      .extract(_.a).from(_.b).and("otherField2".as[Int])((b, other) => d.toInt + other) // calculate a field that depends on other fields
      .extract(_.e).as[Option[Double]](_.getOrElse(1.0)) // extract a field from a value of a specific type


tethys-jackson module provides bridge instances for jackson streaming api

import tethys.jackson._
//import tethys.jackson.pretty._ //pretty writing

//that's it. welcome to use jackson

complex case

import tethys._
import tethys.jackson._

case class Foo(bar: Bar)
case class Bar(seq: Seq[Int])

val foo = """{"bar":{"seq":[1,2,3]}}""".jsonAs[Foo].fold(throw _, identity)
val json = foo.asJson